Board of Selectmen

Elizabeth Corkum Winsor

Elizabeth Corkum Winsor for Board of Selectpersons

Elizabeth Corkum Winsor is a shining example of the exceptional level of talent and experience represented on our Democratic slate this election season. She has chosen to run for Selectwoman having recently retired from a 35-year career in healthcare, having successfully led two business units within UnitedHealthcare, most recently responsible for $12 billion in revenues managing the health coverage and benefits for more than 3.5 million consumers. Retirement has opened the door and provided her “the time and opportunity to give back to the town that has been so good to me and my family.”

On a personal level, Elizabeth grew up in Canton, graduating from our Canton Schools, and raised her own two children here with her husband. She’s also a new “fur mom” to a yellow Labrador puppy.

Elizabeth’s professional success has taught her much over the years, leading her around the country, offering multiple opportunities to talk with customers and colleagues throughout the United States, and giving her the chance to build “skills of servant leadership, fostering relationships and diversity and inclusion mindset [that] can be an asset to the Board of Selectman and the people of Canton.”

When asked why she chose to run, Elizabeth provided this wonderful answer:

“I believe that more people want to have a voice into what is happening within our town.  It’s obvious that our town residents have opinions, and we should seek out those opinions even if they are different than our own. As a town leader, I will seek out those opinions and not just the loud voices.  It’s important as a leader to be open-minded.  While listening to all voices can be time consuming, it is essential to getting the best answers. I also think that by getting more input, it naturally leads to being more transparent.”

This answer informs Elizabeth’s top three issues to address in Canton, and she shares her concern for open and transparent leadership and improved communication with our other candidates. Her top issues are:

  1. “Change and Balance. While our town is small, we live in a time of constant change and we need to ensure that change is met with an appropriate balance for the town’s business climate, our education system, our residents including our seniors and the unique community that we want preserved.

  2. “Making sure that all voices are heard.  It’s apparent that our town residents have opinions and that we should seek out those opinions even if they are different than our own. Town leaders need to be open-minded and not just listen to the loud voices.  While listening to all voices can be time consuming, it is critical to getting to the best answers.

  3. “Accountability and transparency. As decisions are being made, it’s important that the town leaders provide the information related to the issues and are held accountable for the execution.”

Elizabeth has demonstrated remarkable skill in the business world that will clearly translate into town leadership. Add to that the fact that she fundamentally loves this town and its people, seeing how welcoming we are and what each member of our community can bring to the table, and we’re sure you will be as certain as we are that Elizabeth would be an asset to our town government.

Make sure to say hello to Elizabeth if you see her — and her puppy — around town, and eager dog fans might be treated to some of her hundreds of puppy photos too!