Meet our 2023 Candidates:

Board of Selectmen

Bob Namnoum for First Selectman

After teaching English, then negotiating and lobbying for the Connecticut Education Assn., Bob is committed to excellence in our schools. As Chair of Canton’s Energy Committee, he led installation of the solar panels on town buildings and private houses. Read profile »

Elizabeth Corkum Winsor

A life-long resident and proud CHS graduate who raised her own kids here, Elizabeth led two businesses within UnitedHealthcare with revenues of $12 billion. She is excited to translate that experience to bringing solutions to the people of Canton. Read profile »

Sarah Hague

Having grown up locally and served on Congressman Larson’s Youth Cabinet, Sarah is now Chief Program Manager for Vote Mama. She was Chief of Staff for Congresswoman Maloney and has an MSW in policy. Sarah is commited to public engagement. Read profile »

Board of Finance

Katie Kenney (Incumbent)

When Katie’s not defending Sycamores or grafting local apple varieties, she’s asking thorny questions at Board of Finance meetings. Degrees in public administration and demography equip her to advocate for evidence-based spending. Read profile »

Peg Berry

Peg Berry served two terms on the Canton Board of Education, including on the Finance Committee. She is ready to bring this experience, along with her M.B.A., to creating a responsible, pro-schools budget for Canton.

Brian Miller

Brian has served on Parks & Rec (as Chair) and Zoning Board of Appeals. With a business degree and career in insurance, he’s committed to data-driven decision making and communication with Canton residents. Read profile »

Joe Wire

After 20-plus years in Canton and raising his children here, Joe brings expertise from ESPN and NEP Integrated Solutions in finance, cost management, and policy and contract negotiations.

Board of Education

Lou Daniels (Incumbent)

Lou’s been involved in most branches of town government, but what he values most is his work for children. Lou chairs the Board of Ed and he’s proud of his work supporting kids during the pandemic and hiring a new Superintendent. Read profile »

Joe Scheideler (Incumbent)

After 37 years as a teacher, athletic director, and principal in Canton Schools — and sending his own 3 children through our school system — Joe a brings tremendous experience and a love of children to his position on the Board of Ed.

Erika Hayes (Incumbent)

With a background in counseling, Erika is proud of her efforts increasing mental health support in Canton Schools. She has served two years as BoE finance chair and two years as curriculum chair.

Leadership for Change

Education: Supporting our schools for excellence and standing up for equity and inclusion for all

Environment: Protecting open space, improving residents' access to the river and trails, and increasing the town's use of renewable energy

Economy: Responsible development that respects Canton's natural resources, active community, and historic structures

Engagement: We must give our citizens more opportunities to be heard and to participate in the town’s decisions. When our citizens speak, Canton Democrats will listen.